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Project Staffing

The Torq sets itself apart by concentrating on its fundamental expertise – staff augmentation, and subsequently enhances its offerings through the engagement of its devoted Solutions division.

The profound domain knowledge housed within the Solutions division, coupled with the well-developed processes, platforms, and technology of The Torq, empowers the organization to execute extensive staffing initiatives with efficiency. These initiatives bring forth value, cost-effectiveness, and, most importantly, tangible outcomes.

In order to facilitate this expansive capability, The Torq directs its endeavors towards refining its service delivery methodology, encompassing a specialized team framework, well-established procedures, and substantial investment in state-of-the-art full lifecycle recruiting tools. This emphasis translates into swifter response times, heightened operational efficiencies, and decreased expenditures.

The Torq acknowledges the recurring need for adaptability in how companies engage with their clients. To address this, The Torq has established an exclusive Solutions team. This team harnesses the world-class recruitment prowess, global infrastructure, and process maturity to source the ideal talent for executing project-based tasks aligned with KPIs and SLAs.

The capability to assume accountability for deliverables and management empowers The Torq’s clients with a broader spectrum of options to accomplish their internal goals.

Even when our clients opt for direct resource management, the Solutions team enhances our recruitment endeavors by ensuring that screening is conducted by experienced delivery specialists entrenched in that realm.

Furthermore, the Solutions team can also act as a liaison to the appointed resources, extending guidance and assistance in aligning with client expectations and industry-leading standards of compliance.