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Application & Cloud Modernization

Collaborating with our clients to conceive, construct, and execute cloud strategies aimed at prolonging the lifespan of legacy applications, diminishing data center requirements, and harnessing the flexible computational capabilities of contemporary cloud technologies and orchestration.

Our Services

  • Consulting Services
  • Cloud adoption and transformation strategy
  • Application portfolio assessment and rationalization
  • Solution Analysis, Scope, and Design
  • Legacy application strategy and cloud readiness assessment
  • Project Services
  • Create and modernize enterprise web apps, corporate websites, and extend apps with mobile capabilities
  • Enterprise app integration and API management
  • Rehost, refactor, rearchitect, rebuild or replace
  • Cloud Migration project management and implementation

Our Expertise

  • Deep experience in moving legacy applications to cloud-based infrastructure
  • Application portfolio assessment and modernization planning/strategic consulting
  • Comprehensive migration strategy planning and road-mapping services
  • Cloud platform agnostic including hybrid solutions
  • Full suite of integrated cloud transformation services from strategy to application development
  • Experienced transformation experts with proven migration processes